What is Early Intervention?

Early Intervention is a set of free therapy services provided to children ages 0-3 years old who have a developmental delay or disability.


Where are the services provided?

Services are provided in the home so that therapists and parents can collaborate on the most effective way to help the child. If the child attends a daycare or preschool, services can be provided there as well. If the family and therapist think community outings would be helpful for the child, services can be provided in places like the library or a playground. 

What are the types of services that are provided?

Based on the needs of the child, services can include any of the following: assistive technology, behavioral therapy, hearing services, nutrition, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work, special instruction, speech therapy, and/or vision therapy. 



We empower parents using the "I Do, We Do, You Do" model